Novinka:Maxim: AN - Use high-performance simultaneous-sampling ADCs for sensor signal conditioning in industrial multichannel data acquisition systems (DASs)
(Kategória: Datasheet-ZONE)
Zaslal EdizonTN

APPLICATION NOTE 4639 - Use high-performance simultaneous-sampling ADCs for sensor signal
conditioning in industrial multichannel data acquisition systems (DASs), (6 strán, 133 KB)
By: Joseph Shtargot, Strategic Applications Engineer

Abstract: This application note will help the designer of high-performance multichannel data acquisition systems (DASs) to optimize
the interface between industrial sensors and a high-performance ADC. The example used is a power- grid monitoring system. The
article explains how to select the proper components to achieve optimal system performance with the high-resolution MAX11046,
MAX1320, MAX1308 multichannel ADCs. Schematics are shown.

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