Novinka:Atollic: TrueSTUDIO v.6.0.0 beta is released!
(Kategória: Software-ZONE)
Zaslal EdizonTN

Join the Atollic beta program to access to the latest beta versions!

Purpose for release

  • Update TrueSTUDIO to Eclipse Mars version 4.5.2 and CDT version 8.8.1
    Dark theme finally available out-of-the box
    MQX TAD kernel-aware debug plug-ins support
    Many more platform bug fixes and improvements
  • Enable Eclipse p2 update system and Eclipse Marketplace
    This simplifies adding 3rd party plug-ins into Atollic TrueSTUDIO
  • CMSIS-Pack to support import of software component such as
    Example projects from ARM device manufactures who use these definitions for their MCUs
    Up-to-date ARM CMSIS libraries
    Ecosystem middleware stacks and libraries
  • Updates to the TrueSTUDIO Project Wizard
    Support for "CMSIS RTE C/C++ Project"
    "Embedded C and C++ Project" to includes device search field and information field

Because this is a beta release, not all of the above features will be fully implemented.

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